Career Ability Placement Survey (CAPS)
The Career Ability Placement Survey (CAPS) is a comprehensive, multi-dimensional battery designed to measure vocationally relevant abilities. Each of the eight ability dimensions is keyed to entry requirements for the majority of occupations in each of the 14 COPSystem Career Clusters. CAPS scores are interpreted in terms of examinees’ abilities relative to others at the same educational level. Scores are also interpreted in terms of each of the 14 COPSystemCareer Clusters. Examinees learn which occupational areas are most suited to their present abilities and which areas might require a bit more training if examinees are interested in pursuing related occupations.
Recommended Support Material: CAPS Examiner’s Manual, Technical Manual, Visuals. Administration Tape, COPSystem Career Briefs Kit and Cluster Booklets Kit.
General descriptions of the COPSystem Clusters are as follows:
SCIENCE, Professional occupations involve responsibility for the planning and conducting of research and the accumulation and application of systematized knowledge in related branches of mathematical, medical, life and physical science.
SCIENCE, skilled occupations involve observation and classification of facts in assisting in laboratory research and its application in the fields of medicine, and life and physical sciences.
TECHNOLOGY, Professional occupations involve responsibility for engineering and structural design in the manufacture, construction, or transportation of products or utilities.
TECHNOLOGY, Skilled occupations involve working with one’s hands in a skilled trade concerned with construction, manufacture, installation or repair of products in related fields of construction, electronics, and mechanics.
CONSUMER ECONOMICS occupations are concerned with the preparation and packaging of foods and the production, care repair of clothing and textile products.
OUTDOOR occupations are concerned with activities performed primarily out-of-doors involving the growing and tending of plants and animals and the cultivation and accumulation of crops and natural resources in the areas of agriculture and nature as in forestry, park service, fishing and mining.
BUSINESS, Professional occupations involve positions of high responsibility in the organization, administration and efficient functioning of businesses and governmental bureaus in regard to finance and accounting, management and business promotion.
BUSINESS, Skilled occupations are concerned with sales and promotion and the correlated financial and organizational activities businesses.
CLERICAL occupations involve recording, posting and filing of business records requiring great attention to detail, accuracy, neatness, or orderliness and speed in office work and in resultant contact with customers in regard to compilation of records.
COMMUNICATION occupations involve skill in the use of language in the creation or interpretation of literature or in the written and oral communication of knowledge and ideas.
ARTS, Professional occupations involve individualized expression of creative or musical talent and ability in the fields of design, fine arts and performing arts.
ARTS, Skilled occupations involve application of artistic skill in the field of graphic arts and design.
SERVICE, Professional occupations include positions of high responsibility involving interpersonal relations in caring for the personal health and welfare of others in fields of social service, health and education.
SERVICE, Skilled occupations involve providing services to persons and catering to the tastes desires and welfare of others in fields of personal service, social and health related service and protection and transportation.