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Career Orientation Placement & Evaluation Survey - Self-Scoring Form

Range: Grade 7 through adult

COPES now has revised item content and expanded interpretation which provides comprehensive measurement of work values for use in career planning. COPES now weighs both ends of the continuum and may be more easily interpreted for vocational counselling purposes. Eight fundamental values are used as the basis for COPES:

  • Investigative vs. Accepting

  • Orderliness vs. Flexibility

  • Practical vs. Carefree

  • Recognition vs. Privacy

  • Independence vs. Conformity

  • Aesthetic vs. Realistic

  • Leadership vs. Supportive

  • Social vs. Reserved 


The results of the test are interpreted using the Self-Interpretation Profile and Guide and the scores are related to specific occupational clusters. Provides vital information for use in career exploration courses, industrial or educational counselling and in encouraging self-awareness.

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