Criterion of Basic Skills 2nd Edition
This instrument provides a criterion-referenced assessment of reading and arithmetic skills. The Reading subtest assesses basic word attack skills in the following areas: letter recognition, letter sounds, blending, sequencing, decoding of common spelling patterns and multisyllable words, and sight word recognition. The Arithmetic subtest assesses skills in these areas: counting, number concepts and numerical recognition, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, measurement concepts, fractions, decimals, and percents, geometric concepts, pre-algebra, and rounding and estimation. The manual contains more than 250 teacher-directed, independent, and peer tutoring activities correlated to the skill areas assessed and are arranged according to increasing difficulty.
Administration and Scoring
This test can be administered in 15 to 20 minutes by school psychologists, resource teachers, classroom teachers, and aides. Test items were selected on the basis of school reading and math curricula represented in state frameworks. Items are presented in order of difficulty, and not all areas need to be administered. Frustration, Instructional, and Mastery levels are obtained for each area. Performance is profiled on the facesheet of the record form, and areas in need of remediation are easily identified.