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Purpose: Quickly screen for symptoms of anxiety

Age range: 18 to 89 years

Admin: Individual or group

Admin time: 10 minutes to administer; 5 minutes or less to score

Scoring time: 5 minutes


Provides an efficient, cost-effective method to screen large groups for intervention and prevention programs. 

The MAQ is a multidimensional self-report measure that provides a global assessment of anxiety symptomatology. Four subscales measure specific anxiety domains: Physiologic-Panic, Social Phobia, Worry-Fears, and Negative Affectivity.

A cutoff score identifies those with a clinically relevant level of anxiety symptomatology

  • The MAQ Booklet is an easy-to-score, carbonless form with 40 items that query the severity of anxiety-related symptoms.

  • Studies have found high reliability and validity coefficients for the MAQ. For the total development sample, there were high alpha coefficients of .96 for the MAQ Total scale and coefficients ranging from .88 to .91 for the MAQ subscales. Test-retest reliability also is very high (.95 for the MAQ Total scale, .90-.93 for the subscales). Clinical validity is demonstrated by the strong diagnostic efficacy of the MAQ cutoff score.

  • The MAQ was developed with 600 community adults, 407 psychiatric outpatients diagnosed with anxiety-related or other disorders, and more than 1,800 college students. Separate norms for community adults and college students are provided.


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