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Age range:  Adult



The MPQ 14.2 is designed to identify and report on key personality traits likely to have a high impact on behaviour and success at work and to highlight individual strengths, weaknesses and areas of competence.



The MPQ is a multiple-choice questionnaire available in three forms. MPQ Factor Version 14.2 is the full questionnaire covering all the factors and dimensions measured by the instrument. MPQ Factor Version 5 is a shorter questionnaire that looks at the Big Five factors only. It has been specially designed for those who do not need the full set of information, but who require a simple, cost-effective global measure. MPQ Factor Version 7 is an unique questionnaire variant that looks carefully at Creativity and examines this crucial trait under 7 bi-polar headings.


The factors measured by the full-length test are:


  Originality

  Rule Consciousness

  Openness to change

  Assertiveness

  Social Confidence

  Empathy

  Communicativeness

  Independence

  Rationality

  Competitiveness

  Conscientiousness

  Perfectionism

  Decisiveness

  Apprehension



MPQ Questionnaires are all untimed. The longest of the questionnaires is MPQ 14.2, which contains 90 multiple-choice items. It is, however, generally completed in under 25 minutes. The other questionnaires require less time. Test administrators plot the questionnaire results on to normed profile sheets to give an instant result.


The Technical Manual provides full interpretation information and the statistical background of the instrument. In addition a computer-based expert system is available which produces a comprehensive narrative report as well as providing on-screen administration for MPQ FV 14.2

MPQ - Manchester Personality Questionnaire

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