Multidimensional Self Concept Scale (MSCS)
The MSCS is a standardized clinical instrument that assesses global self-concept and six context-dependent self-concept domains that are functionally and theoretically important in the social-emotional adjustment of youth and adolescents ages 9-19 years. The six domains assessed by the MSCS include the six most important areas of psychosocial functioning for youth and adolescents (social, competence, affect, academic, family, physical).
The MSCS is intended to be used as both a screening instrument and a comprehensive diagnostic scale. It can be combined with other instruments to assess the child's/adolescent's global self-concept and specific areas of social-emotional functioning. The MSCS can contribute to a broader understanding of the child/adolescent by allowing context-dependent contrasts to be made across various constructs (e.g., intelligence, achievement, adaptive behavior, creativity, social-emotional functioning).
The MSCS can be administered either to individuals or to groups in approximately 20 minutes. The scale is simple to score; interpretation allows for both norm-referenced and interchild comparisons across each of the six scales. Scores are reported as standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15) or as T scores (M = 50, SD = 10) and can be graphically displayed for ease of interpretation.
Each MSCS subscale evidences very high reliability (a >.90); the Total scale score reliability exceeds .97 for the total sample. The MSCS correlates very strongly with other measures of self-concept and self-esteem and has been shown empirically to identify clients who were previously identified as being low in self-concept. Several concurrent validity studies were conducted during the MSCS development and are presented in the Examiner's Manual.