Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire
Easily administered in different languages and countries without the need for translation.
Unlike the Rorschach Inkblot Test, these structured nonverbal assessments are simple to score and interpret.
Efficient and accurate assessment of the 'Big 5' factors of personality.
Cross-cultural comparisons .
People with reading difficulties, language barriers, problems with attention and concentration.
The item illustrations in the Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (NPQ) depict personality-relevant behaviors that are based on Murray's (1938) system of needs, the scales of the Personality Research Form (PRF), and the Five-Factor Model of personality.
This nonverbal measure asks respondents to rate the likelihood that they would engage in the type of behavior depicted in the item illustration on a 7-point Likert scale. Response options range from extremely likely to extremely unlikely.
The 136-item NPQ takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. The resulting personality scales are as follows: Achievement, Affiliation, Aggression, Autonomy, Dominance, Endurance, Exhibition, Thrill-seeking, Impulsivity, Nurturance, Order, Play, Sentience, Social Recognition, Succorance, and Understanding, and a validity scale.
Reliability and Validity
Several studies have evaluated these nonverbal assessments in North American, European, Middle Eastern, and Asian countries and have demonstrated strong support for the reliability, validity, and general applicability of the assessment. The following are some sources of support for the psychometric properties of the NPQ.
Mean internal consistency reliability (alpha) values for the NPQ were overall satisfactory for the Canadian sample (.75), the Korean sample (.71), the European sample (.65), the Israeli sample (.65), and the Chinese sample (.61).
Mean NPQ-PRF convergent validity was .52 in the North American sample, and .46 across three European samples (Finland, Poland, and Germany).
Comparison of the factor structure of the PRF and the NPQ produced a mean congruence coefficient of .85 on average with four different countries.
A meta-factor analysis found that the underlying factors of the NPQ resembled the well-known structure of the Five Factor Model of personality.
Both self-ratings for the NPQ and FF-NPQ showed satisfactory correlations with peer-rated verbal measures of personality (.40 for NPQ; .41 for FF-NPQ).
Hand Scoring
Materials required for hand scoring include a manual, one picture booklet, one hand scorable answer sheet and one profile sheet per respondent.
Kit Inlcudes : NPQ test manual, one (1) picture booklets, five (5) answer sheets, and five (5) profile sheets.