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Self-Directed Search Form R

Low cost – Save money.
Easy to use - Complete the career self assessment test in 30 minutes.
Tested, proven, and dependable - Used by over 22 million people worldwide.


Use the Self-Directed Search to -


  • Get information on your personalities, interests, abilities, and skills. Know your strengths, interests, abilities, and skills.

  • Find careers that maximize your personalities, interests, abilities, and skills.

  • Narrow your career options. Save time and money. Eliminate careers that do not match your personalities, interests, abilities, and skills.

  • Find careers that will be most satisfying, appealing, and interesting to you.

  • Use the Self-Directed Search to explore careers.

    The Self Directed Search Form R is for adults, college students, and high school students.

    The Self Directed Search Form R Assessment gives you a three letter Holland Code. The Self-Directed Search Form R Occupations Finder has a list of 1,309 occupations matched to Holland Codes.

    Technical Manual SDS Technical Manual describes the history of the SDS, development of the 4th edition, and research and technical information about all four forms of the SDS (R,E,CP, and Career Explorer).

    Practitioner's Guide is a career assessment tool and the major reference book for Holland Codes and occupations.

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